Zoey Jones - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo

Zoey Jones

 Boca Raton Softball


1st baseman at Florida Atlantic University. Originally from Delaware, but moved to Boca for collegiate career and degree. I love coffee, hoodies and anything cozy. I also love working out and anything athletic.


I am a very easy to work with and easy to reach student athlete that is willing to try anything and work for anything I believe I can achieve. I love being able to help others as well, so anything I can share on my social medias that can help others I would love to do. I also prioritize social justice and mental health awareness. 

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

16.4k followers on Tik Tok, 1.9k followers on instagram. Mostly full stands at all home events, we use conference USA for our media coverage, some times games streamed on ESPN depending on the school. 

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