Vanessa Tordella - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo

Vanessa Tordella

 Sacrofano Reiten, Springreiten


Vanessa has been practicing horse riding for twelve years, is currently engaged at a competitive level in the 130cm


Vanessa is an excellent competitor, competes in national and international competitions, categories. mt 130. Investing in an athlete not yet known highlights the sponsor's attitude to help young athletes, the sponsor would stand out from the others who invest their money on big names in a predictable way. In this case the sponsor would have the merit of making a young athlete grow and this will certainly be appreciated and evident. Promoting an athlete who practices horseback riding means reaching a medium / high social level audience with high potential and willingness to spend. In addition, horse riding has always been considered an elite sport and being present in these events brings, in addition to considerable visibility, a sure return of image. 

Unser idealer Sponsor

Sponsor Italiani e internazionali


Mantenimento del cavallo, iscrizioni, spese gare e trasferte dell'atleta

Größte Erfolge

  • Giugno      2017 Roma   Campionati Regionali 4° Classificata Categoria B110
  • Settembre 2017 Arezzo Campionati Italiani 3° Classificata Categoria B110
  • Gennaio    2017 Arezzo  Nazionale A5*  1° Classificata Categoria B 110
  • Febbraio   2018 Roma   Internazionale CSI * 1 Classificata Categoria B115
  • Marzo       2018 Montefalco Nazionale A 5*   2° Classificata Categoria Stile D110
  • Aprile       2018 Roma   Nazionale 5*  2° Classificata Categoria C115
  • Maggio     2020 Roma  Campionati Regionali 6° Classificata Categoria C120
  • Novembre 2021 Narni  Nazionale A*  5° Classificata  Categoria C125
  • Dicembre  2021 Narni  Nazionale A*  2° Classificata  Categoria C125
  • Gennaio    2022 San Giovanni in Marignano  Nazionale A5*  2° Classificata Categoria C125
  • Febbraio   2022 San Giovanni in Marignano  Internazionale CSI1*  9° Classificata Categoria C125
  • Marzo       2022 Narni Nazionale A*  7° Classificata  Categoria C125
  • Aprile       2022 Arezzo Internazionale CSI* 7° Classificata Categoria C125

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

  • Each A5 * or international class riding competition expects an average turnout of about 3000/3500 people
  • In international competitions, even if held in Italy, there are numerous international athletes and people following them
  • The competitions are held every week throughout the year except for the month of August
  • Sponsoring an athlete who practices this sport means having a high level of visibility
  • Sponsoring and nurturing a young athlete highlights the sponsor's attitude to help young people

Verknüpfte Profile

FISE and FEI (Verein)


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