We are thrilled to present you with an exclusive sponsorship opportunity that will allow your brand to gain significant visibility and exposure. Located within the University of California, Riverside, UCR Aag is an All-Male Bollywood Fusion Dance team. Aag translates to “fire”; we hope to illustrate our passion for dance and ignite the stage on fire. In our inaugural season, we’re looking to establish our team by showing excellence within styles such as Bollywood, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Raas, and Bhangra. UCR Aag participates within the Desi Dance Network circuit where teams across the nation are able to tell a story through their dance. Within the circuit, there’s a lot that goes beyond “dance”. For example, production, costumes, travel efficiency, team gear, and more are all factors that establish how successful we are throughout the season. However, all of these factors require money and as a rebuilding first-year team, we do not have the funding to cover the costs required to make each aspect of our performance the best we can. In order to create a legacy for the future and compete at the highest level for ourselves, our families, our school, and everyone who supports us; we are seeking your generous donation; your gift will help us achieve our dreams.
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Our dance team will be highly successful in captivating audiences with our exceptional choreography, energy, and passion for dance as we compete across the nation for competitions with a live audience of 300-500 viewers. This is promising as our social media post insights presenting our very first video reveal logo has reached 17.2k plays, reached 12.1k accounts, and received 185 shares. Our executive board launch post insights also reached 1.4k accounts. These posts show the reach and attention our new team currently has and the promise of growth for future posts. Our online engagement after a competition will be seen with an average reach of 1k-5k views as each dance competition videographs and live streams our production to be posted on youtube which includes an intro video. The intro video presents the production before we begin the dance which is shown on the video at every competition. We believe that partnering with your esteemed company would be a mutually beneficial arrangement, allowing us to showcase your brand to our wide and engaged audience.