Dear potential sponsor,
I am reaching out to you today to discuss an exciting project that your company should consider supporting as a sponsor. My name is Timo, and I am planning a fascinating world cycling expedition.
This world trip is not only a personal challenge for me, but also a unique opportunity for your company to take the spotlight and be seen by an international audience. Let me outline some reasons why partnering with me as a sponsor can be advantageous for your company:
1.) Unique adventure: A world cycling expedition is an extraordinary endeavor that embodies adventure and determination. Through my journey, I will explore countless cultures, countries, and landscapes, and your company can be perceived as a supporter of this courageous endeavor with exceptional dedication.
2.) Global visibility: During my trip, I plan to regularly share travel reports, photos, and videos on social media and my own blog. This allows your company to be discovered by a broad international audience. Your brand can showcase itself through this exclusive platform and gain global visibility.
3.) Target audience: Those interested in a world cycling expedition are typically adventurous, environmentally conscious, and health-conscious individuals. By supporting me, you can reach a target audience that aligns with the values and interests of your company. This connection can lead to stronger brand affinity and customer loyalty.
4.) CSR opportunities: Collaborating with me as a sponsor for my world trip provides you with an opportunity to strengthen your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By supporting an eco-friendly and sustainable project like the bicycle world journey, you can put your company's values into action and demonstrate your commitment to the environment and society.
5.) Media presence: A world cycling expedition is a unique event that will also pique the interest of the media. Journalists and travel bloggers may become aware of my journey and report on it. This will provide you with additional free media exposure and a chance to further spread your brand message.
I would be delighted to enter into a partnership with your company and realize this incredible journey together. Your support will not only enable my personal adventure but also provide your company with a unique platform to connect with a global audience.
Please let me know if you are interested, and we can discuss further details. I am confident that a collaboration can be highly beneficial for both parties.
Kennzahlen für Sponsoren
Instagram Account: ca. 3000 Follower - grows daily,
Tiktok and Youtube Channel is in the making.