Tammy Lee Hill - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo

Tammy Lee Hill

 Medicine Hat-Medicine Hat South Reiten, Rodeo, Pferderennen


Professional barrel racing in Canada and United States


Displaying your company logo and information on our trailer allows us to provide your business with a tax receipt for the cost of advertising and exposes your business to thousands of potential customers across western Canadian provinces. Depending on your level of commitment, it could also mean being exposed to thousands of American patrons as well.  

With upwards of 80 Pro Rodeo events per season, as well as numerous amateur and semi-pro events, your advertisement will be seen on main highways, and at major events where attendance can reach up to 42,000 patrons in some of the mid-sized cities. Again, the larger your budget, the larger the exposure.

In our inaugural year, this horse and rider came within 0.9 seconds of matching the speeds of some of the top names in the industry! That's right! We came within less than a second of girls who attend the world-renowned NFR! THE INFAMOUS LAS VEGAS NATIONAL FINALS RODEO!!!!!

 I am a 45-year-young grandmother of 5 who comes from very humble beginnings. Growing up homeless made me realize that hard work and dedication were my only ticket to success in life. I worked while putting myself through nursing school and taking care of two children on my own. Upon graduating, I bought myself my first horse,  took some hunter-jumper and barrel racing lessons, and scrounged together enough assets for a rusty truck and trailer. A few years later I was introduced to some fine horsemen who taught me the value of a well-bred animal,  and invested in some papered prospects. I am now a first generation sole-proprietary female farmer with an impressive herd that I raise and train myself! 

The rodeo road is a very expensive journey. I have often spent $800 just in fuel to go to one race, 6 hours away. Entry fees are usually $125 per event. There were some mishaps along the way resulting in some hefty mechanics bills, and of course tires and oil changes are a constant when running eight heavy-duty wheels up and down provincial hiways. Vet, farrier, dentist, chiropractic, massage, medication and feed are all necessary as well… in addition to occasionally finding the time to feed and water myself! Being a sole proprietor is also a challenge when the budget must also include an assistant to tend to the farm in my absence.  All of these expenses and events must somehow be fit in between work and a paycheque!

With all of the expenses, (and in addition to loosing my first horse to an unfortunate injury) we were only able to attend 14 Pro  and 6 amateur events this year. With full sponsorship covering every possible expense, I would be able to fully dedicate my time to concentrate on developing some extraordinary equine athletes and attend as many events as possible throughout the year!

Unser idealer Sponsor

Our ideal sponsor is a large corporation seeking a long-term mobile advertising space.  Procuring this type of arrangement would allow us to concentrate on the full-time job of raising and training equine athletes to attain peak performance; freeing us up from shopping around for investment capital. 

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Größte Erfolge

Our greatest success is being self-made. Our struggles have been very real and we have worked as hard as possible to get where we are with what we have.  Not too many women can rise out of homelessness to become educated professionals and sole proprietors of businesses created from dust and dreams.  If my story were ever to be published, it would be lovingly dubbed “From Rags to Rodeo”. 

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

Currently I have been following great names in Reining and Rodeo. Financial backing would help me to become one of the greats, resulting in followers of my own. 

Audiences at each event can soar into the thousands, with millions of online and TV viewers. Having financial backing ensures that I make it on camera in order to promote my supporters. 

Verknüpfte Profile

Canadian Professional Rodeo Association (Verein)
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