Deep Gaming Industries - e-Sports
The e-Sport organization Deep Gaming Industries, founded in 2019, is at the heart of competitive Rainbow Six Siege.
In addition to an academy (youth) team, a German/ Austrian main team plays for DGi. This covers a wide range of online and offline tournaments.
The organization is led by a professional management, which is engaged among other things in the ranges marketing, strategy and business development. Through the acquisition of new players from competitive e-Sport, the organization has the goal to grow further.
Competitive E-Sport
The professionalization of Deep Gaming Industries continues with the commitment of the main team. Currently Deep Gaming Industries is active in the following leagues, cups and tournaments
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege GSA Nationals
1st Place - Austrian Qualifier 2019
Electronic Sports League (ESL)
- Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Open Ladder 5on5 Europe
- Go4R6 (PC) Europe Cup
- R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Monthly Challenge
- R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Bomb Swiss Open Cup
- R6: Comp Cups
German Community Cup (GCC)
- Tourney Thursday #1 (Qualifier & Final)
- Tourney Thursday #2 (Qualifier& Final)
Deutsche e-Sport Bundesliga (DeSBL)
- [PC] Rainbow Six Siege: Minor League H #7
Further Leagues and Cups:
- Advanced Cup
- Prestigious League
- Raleigh Major Qualifier
Strategic partner of German Community Cup (GCC)
The organisation already has its own communication and social-media channels in the form of:
- Homepage (www.dg-industries.eu)
- Twitch (Deep_Gaming_Industries)
- Twitter (www.mobile.twitter.com/dgi_esports?lang=de)
- Teamspeak (dgi.teamspeak.de)
Through regular participation in national and international tournaments and leagues, we make it possible for a potential sponsor to address the target group of eSports directly. This is possible among other things by
- logo on our jerseys,
- logo on our homepage,
- regular inclusion of the sponsor in Twitter Tweets
- fade in during the Twitch live streamings
- on site advertising of the sponsor on tournament
We would be delighted to discuss further sponsoring possibilities in a personal meeting.
Unser idealer Sponsor
Our desired sponsors
A sponsorship with reference to the target group Gaming, eSport would be useful.
Financial support is possible among other things:
- the payment of our TeamSpeak server
- the homepage
- for jerseys and hardware
- the contribution towards travel and subsistence expenses
Reichweiten / Links
Größte Erfolge
1st place GSA R6S Austrian Nationals Qualifier 2019
Kennzahlen für Sponsoren
Key figures eSport (2019)
- Sponsors: 400 million Euro turnover in 2019
- Media rights: 220 million Euro turnover in 2019
- Advertising: 167 million Euro turnover in 2019
- Merchandising and tickets: 90 million Euro turnover in 2019
- Play fees: 84 million Euro turnover in 2019
-> Revenue growth: The eSport market is expected to grow to at least 1.6 billion euros by 2022
Key figures Electronic Sports League (2019)
- 242 million fans worldwide
- 19 years of gaming experience
- 1500h content per year
- Age: 80% 18-34
- 8.4 million players
- 18.6 million games
- 109.000 tournaments
Deep Gamning Industries
- 12 Employees
- Professional management and structuring of both teams
- Presence on the web and social media channels
- An ambitious strategy and growth plan
- Planned promotion to higher leagues and participation in higher tournaments
- Opportunity for sponsors to grow with us