Darina Pashova - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo


I am a national athlete of aerobic gymnastics. Being an inspiration for people is my motivaion for working as hard as i can.


Darina Pashova hat 3 Fotos geteilt
24.09.2021 11:05 ·
Darina Pashova hat ein Foto geteilt
09.08.2021 18:24 ·
Darina Pashova hat 3 Fotos geteilt
09.08.2021 18:18 ·

Reichweiten / Links

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

My instagram is darinapashova. - i have more than 2k followers

My personal Facebook is Darina Pashova.

My Facebook Page is Darina pashova.


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