As an elite athlete under a rapidly growing sport it would be a great investment to sponsor me due to the my credentials towards the Australian squad over the past few years. Not only has trampolining gymnastics shown a high rise in investment to audience and sponsorship's (i.e Rosie McClennan from Canada being sponsored on such things as lucky charms, bio steel as well as the trampolining athletes becoming the flag barrier of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.) I believe sponsoring a young athlete like myself could go a far way benefiting both the sponsor and my own personal build. On top of this I believe having a trampolinist as a sponsor may bring a creative look towards marketing for ad ideas ect. Personal achievements in trampoline for myself include 4 consecutive years of being named on the Australian squad, Bronze at 2016 Indo-Pacific championships, 13 time medalist at the Australian national championships, Representing Australia at the 2019 world age championships in Tokyo, 2nd position after the first routine of the Youth Olympic Games Trails finals, ( final position 6th after not completing my second routine) and being in the Athlete categorization list towards “Australia's best current and future medal prospects at the Olympic, world championships and commonwealth games.” this list is selected by both Gymnastics Australia as well as the AIS (Australian institute of sport).
Reichweiten / Links
Kennzahlen für Sponsoren
- Social Media Followers 1.2k with a on average 5% account interaction
- World Championship events bringing in up to 10+ thousand spectators (this was at the last Tokyo 2019 world championship event.
- Personal press and TV coverage, KAYO, Channel 9 News, Herald Sun
- (Consider I have only just been old enough to be able to compete at a senior level resulting in a expected increase in coverage, following ect, average international athletes can be commonly known to be on FOX sports, SBS, Channel 9 news, BBC,