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Brandon Gjikani

 Phoenix Fußball


Hello, I am a football player for SV Lippstadt 08 but they unfortunately can't help me with accommodation. My parents are working hard but they need help to support me. Please help me on my journey to become a professional.


My name is Brandon Gjikani and I am 17 years old. I am Albanian but fortunately my parents were able to take me to America. I am an aspiring footballer already playing at a very high level in Germany but I wish to continue and become a professional at the highest level. I am going to play for SV Lippstadt 08 U19s for upcoming season. I have a very established resume and I will hopefully play for the Albanian U19 National team in the coming months as I have been in contact with the Chief scout and Coach and they believe they have big plans for me. and I believe that if I work hard then I will achieve my dreams. I previously played in America but I am going to move to Germany to play for my club. I will be moving all alone without my family because they have to stay in America due to their jobs. Due to this I have get accommodation for myself and it is very costly and unfortunately although Lippstadt plays at a high level they are not in a position to help me with my financial costs. My parents are working hard everyday to support me and I am getting a part time job to help with the costs but it would help if I got just a little support from a sponsor as anything helps. 

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